VarProDMD: Variable Projection for DMD

Variable Projection for DMD. Reformulation of original paper ( s.t. sparse matrix computation is substiuted by outer products. Further the optimization is reformulated s.t. SciPy’s nonlinear least squares optimizer can handle “complex” parameters.

Default optimizer arguments:

{“method”: “trf”, “tr_solver”: “exact”, “loss”: “linear”, “x_scale”: “jac”, “gtol”: 1e-8, “xtol”: 1e-8, “ftol”: 1e-8}

class VarProDMD(svd_rank: Union[float, int] = 0, exact: bool = False, sorted_eigs: Union[bool, str] = False, compression: float = 0.0, optargs: Dict[str, Any] = None)[source]

Bases: pydmd.dmdbase.DMDBase

Variable Projection for DMD using SciPy’s nonlinear least squares solver. The original problem is reformulated s.t. complex residuals and Jacobians, which are used by the Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm, are transormed to real numbers. Further simplifications (outer products) avoids using sparse matrices.

VarProDMD constructor.

  • svd_rank (Union[float, int], optional) – Desired SVD rank. If rank r = 0, the optimal rank is determined automatically. If rank is a float s.t. 0 < r < 1, the cumulative energy of the singular values is used to determine the optimal rank. If rank is an integer and r > 0, the desired rank is used iff possible. Defaults to 0.

  • exact (bool, optional) – Perform variable projection in low dimensional space if exact=False. Else the optimization is performed in the original space. Defaults to False.

  • sorted_eigs (Union[bool, str], optional) – Sort eigenvalues. If sorted_eigs=True, the variance of the absolute values of the complex eigenvalues \left(\sqrt{\omega_i \cdot \bar{\omega}_i}\right), the variance absolute values of the real parts \left|\Re\{{\omega_i}\}\right| and the variance of the absolute values of the imaginary parts \left|\Im\{{\omega_i}\}\right| is computed. The eigenvalues are then sorted according to the highest variance (from highest to lowest). If sorted_eigs=False, no sorting is performed. If the parameter is a string and set to sorted_eigs=’auto’, the eigenvalues are sorted accoring to the variances of previous mentioned quantities. If sorted_eigs=’real’ the eigenvalues are sorted w.r.t. the absolute values of the real parts of the eigenvalues (from highest to lowest). If sorted_eigs=’imag’ the eigenvalues are sorted w.r.t. the absolute values of the imaginary parts of the eigenvalues (from highest to lowest). If sorted_eigs=’abs’ the eigenvalues are sorted w.r.t. the magnitude of the eigenvalues \left(\sqrt{\omega_i \cdot \bar{\omega}_i}\right) (from highest to lowest). Defaults to False.

  • compression (float, optional) – If libary compression c = 0, all samples are used. If 0 < c < 1, the best fitting \lfloor \left(1 - c\right)m\rfloor samples are selected.

  • optargs (Dict[str, Any], optional) – Arguments for ‘least_squares’ optimizer. If set to None, OPT_DEF_ARGS are used as default parameters. Defaults to None.

property dynamics

Get the time evolution of each mode.


matrix that contains all the time evolution, stored by row.

Return type


fit(X: numpy.ndarray, time: numpy.ndarray) → object[source]

Fit the eigenvalues, modes and eigenfunctions/amplitudes to measurements.

  • X (np.ndarray) – Measurements \boldsymbol{X} \in \mathbb{C}^{n \times m}.

  • time (np.ndarray) – 1d array of timestamps where measurements were taken.


VarProDMD instance.

Return type


forecast(time: numpy.ndarray) → numpy.ndarray[source]

Forecast measurements at given timestamps time.


time (np.ndarray) – Desired times for forcasting as 1d array.


ValueError – If method fit(X, time) was not called.


Predicted measurements \hat{\boldsymbol{X}}.

Return type


property frequency

Get the amplitude spectrum.


the array that contains the frequencies of the eigenvalues.

Return type


property growth_rate

Get the growth rate values relative to the modes.


the Floquet values

Return type


property opt_stats

Return optimization statistics of the Variable Projection optimization.


ValueError – ValueError is raised if method fit(X, time) was not called.


Optimization results including optimal weights (continuous eigenvalues) and number of iterations.

Return type


property selected_samples

Return indices for creating the library.


ValueError – ValueError is raised if method fit(X, time) was not called.


Indices of the selected samples. If no compression was performed \left(c = 0\right), all indices are returned, else indices of the library selection scheme using QR-Decomposition with column pivoting.

Return type


property ssr

Compute the square root of sum squared residual (SSR) taken from The SSR gives insight w.r.t. signal qualities. A low SSR is desired. If SSR is high the model may be inaccurate.


ValueError – ValueError is raised if method fit(X, time) was not called.



Return type


class VarProOperator(svd_rank: Union[float, int], exact: bool, sorted_eigs: Union[bool, str], compression: float, optargs: Dict[str, Any])[source]

Bases: pydmd.dmdoperator.DMDOperator

Variable Projection Operator for DMD.

VarProOperator constructor.

  • svd_rank (Union[float, int]) – Desired SVD rank. If rank r = 0, the optimal rank is determined automatically. If rank is a float s.t. 0 < r < 1, the cumulative energy of the singular values is used to determine the optimal rank. If rank is an integer and r > 0, the desired rank is used iff possible.

  • exact (bool) – Perform computations in original state space if exact=True, else perform optimization in projected (low dimensional) space.

  • sorted_eigs (Union[bool, str]) – Sort eigenvalues. If sorted_eigs=True, the variance of the absolute values of the complex eigenvalues \sqrt{\omega_i \cdot \bar{\omega}_i}, the variance absolute values of the real parts \left|\Re\{{\omega_i}\}\right| and the variance of the absolute values of the imaginary parts \left|\Im\{{\omega_i}\}\right| is computed. The eigenvalues are then sorted according to the highest variance (from highest to lowest). If sorted_eigs=False, no sorting is performed. If the parameter is a string and set to sorted_eigs=’auto’, the eigenvalues are sorted accoring to the variances of previous mentioned quantities. If sorted_eigs=’real’ the eigenvalues are sorted w.r.t. the absolute values of the real parts of the eigenvalues (from highest to lowest). If sorted_eigs=’imag’ the eigenvalues are sorted w.r.t. the absolute values of the imaginary parts of the eigenvalues (from highest to lowest). If sorted_eigs=’abs’ the eigenvalues are sorted w.r.t. the magnitude of the eigenvalues \left(\sqrt{\omega_i \cdot \bar{\omega}_i}\right) (from highest to lowest).

  • compression (float) – If libary compression c = 0, all samples are used. If 0 < c < 1, the best fitting \lfloor \left(1 - c\right)m\rfloor samples are selected.

  • optargs (Dict[str, Any]) – Arguments for ‘least_squares’ optimizer. Use OPT_DEF_ARGS as starting point.

compute_operator(X: numpy.ndarray, Y: numpy.ndarray) → Tuple[numpy.ndarray, scipy.optimize._optimize.OptimizeResult, numpy.ndarray][source]

Perform Variable Projection for DMD using SciPy’s nonlinear least squares optimizer.

  • X (np.ndarray) – Measurement \boldsymbol{X} \in \mathbb{C}^{n \times m}

  • Y (np.ndarray) – 1d array of timestamps where individual measurements \boldsymbol{x}_i \in \mathbb{C}^n where taken.


ValueError – If sorted_eigs from constructor was set to an invalid string.


Eigenfunctions/amplitudes \boldsymbol{\varphi}^{m-1}, OptimizeResult from SciPy’s optimizer (optimal parameters and statistics), indices of selected measurements. If no compression (c = 0) is used, all indices are returned, else the indices of the selected samples are used.

Return type

Tuple[np.ndarray, OptimizeResult, np.ndarray]