Variable Projection for DMD. Reformulation of original paper
(https://epubs.siam.org/doi/abs/10.1137/M1124176) s.t. sparse matrix computation
is substiuted by outer products. Further the optimization is
reformulated s.t. SciPy's nonlinear least squares optimizer
can handle "complex" parameters.
Default optimizer arguments:
{"method": "trf",
"tr_solver": "exact",
"loss": "linear",
"x_scale": "jac",
"gtol": 1e-8,
"xtol": 1e-8,
"ftol": 1e-8}
import warnings
from types import MappingProxyType
from typing import Any, Dict, Tuple, Union
import numpy as np
from scipy.linalg import qr
from scipy.optimize import OptimizeResult, least_squares
from .dmd import DMDBase
from .dmdoperator import DMDOperator
from .snapshots import Snapshots
from .utils import compute_svd
OPT_DEF_ARGS = MappingProxyType(
"method": "trf",
"tr_solver": "exact",
"loss": "linear",
"x_scale": "jac",
"gtol": 1e-8,
"xtol": 1e-8,
"ftol": 1e-8,
def _compute_dmd_ev(
x_current: np.ndarray,
x_next: np.ndarray,
rank: Union[float, int] = 0,
) -> np.ndarray:
Compute DMD eigenvalues.
:param x_current: Observables :math:`\boldsymbol{X}`
:type x_current: np.ndarray
:param x_next: Observables :math:`\boldsymbol{X}'`
:type x_current: np.ndarray
:param rank: Desired rank. If rank :math:`r = 0`, the optimal rank is
determined automatically. If rank is a float s.t. :math: `0 < r < 1`,
the cumulative energy of the singular values is used
to determine the optimal rank. If rank is an integer and :math:`r > 0`,
the desired rank is used iff possible. Defaults to 0.
:type rank: Union[float, int], optional
:return: Diagonal matrix of eigenvalues
:math:`\boldsymbol{\Lambda}` as 1d array.
:rtype: np.ndarray
u_x, sigma_x, v_x = compute_svd(x_current, rank)
# columns of v need to be multiplicated with inverse sigma
sigma_inv_approx = np.reciprocal(sigma_x)
a_approx = np.linalg.multi_dot(
[u_x.conj().T, x_next, sigma_inv_approx[None] * v_x]
return np.linalg.eigvals(a_approx)
class _OptimizeHelper: # pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods
Helper Class to store intermediate results during the optimization.
__slots__ = ["phi", "phi_inv", "u_svd", "s_inv", "v_svd", "b_matrix", "rho"]
def __init__(self, l_in: int, m_in: int, n_in: int):
self.phi = np.empty((m_in, l_in), dtype=np.complex128)
self.u_svd = np.empty((m_in, l_in), dtype=np.complex128)
self.s_inv = np.empty((l_in,), dtype=np.complex128)
self.v_svd = np.empty((l_in, l_in), dtype=np.complex128)
self.b_matrix = np.empty((l_in, n_in), dtype=np.complex128)
self.rho = np.empty((m_in, n_in), dtype=np.complex128)
def _compute_dmd_rho(
alphas: np.ndarray,
time: np.ndarray,
data: np.ndarray,
opthelper: _OptimizeHelper,
) -> np.ndarray:
Compute the real residual vector :math:`\boldsymbol{\rho}` for
Levenberg-Marquardt update.
:param alphas: DMD eigenvalues to optimize,
where :math:`\alpha \in \mathbb{C}^l`,
but here :math:`\alpha \in \mathbb{R}^{2l}`,
since optimizer cannot deal with complex numbers.
:type alphas: np.ndarray
:param time: 1D time array.
:type time: np.ndarray
:param data: data :math:`\boldsymbol{Y} \n C^{m \times n}`.
For DMD computation we set :math:`\boldsymbol{Y} = \boldsymbol{X}^T`.
:type data: np.ndarray
:param opthelper: Optimization helper to speed up computations
mainly for Jacobian.
:type opthelper: _OptimizeHelper
:return: 1d residual vector for Levenberg-Marquardt update
:math:`\boldsymbol{\rho} \in \mathbb{R}^{2mn}`.
:rtype: np.ndarray
_alphas = np.zeros((alphas.shape[-1] // 2,), dtype=np.complex128)
_alphas.real = alphas[: alphas.shape[-1] // 2]
_alphas.imag = alphas[alphas.shape[-1] // 2 :]
phi = np.exp(np.outer(time, _alphas))
u_phi, s_phi, v_phi_t = np.linalg.svd(phi, full_matrices=False)
idx = np.where(s_phi.real != 0.0)[0]
s_phi_inv = np.zeros_like(s_phi)
s_phi_inv[idx] = np.reciprocal(s_phi[idx])
rho = data - np.linalg.multi_dot([u_phi, u_phi.conj().T, data])
rho_flat = np.ravel(rho)
rho_out = np.zeros((2 * rho_flat.shape[-1],), dtype=np.float64)
rho_out[: rho_flat.shape[-1]] = rho_flat.real
rho_out[rho_flat.shape[-1] :] = rho_flat.imag
opthelper.phi = phi
opthelper.u_svd = u_phi
opthelper.s_inv = s_phi_inv
opthelper.v_svd = v_phi_t.conj().T
opthelper.rho = rho
opthelper.b_matrix = np.linalg.multi_dot(
opthelper.v_svd * s_phi_inv[None],
return rho_out
def _compute_dmd_jac(
alphas: np.ndarray,
time: np.ndarray,
data: np.ndarray,
opthelper: _OptimizeHelper,
) -> np.ndarray:
Compute the real Jacobian.
SciPy's nonlinear least squares optimizer requires real entities.
Therefore, complex and real parts are split.
:param alphas: DMD eigenvalues to optimize,
where :math:`\alpha \in \mathbb{C}^l`,
but here :math:`\alpha \in \mathbb{R}^{2l}` since optimizer cannot
deal with complex numbers.
:type alphas: np.ndarray
:param time: 1D time array.
:type time: np.ndarray
:param data: data :math: `\boldsymbol{Y} \n C^{m \times n}`.
For DMD computation we set :math:`\boldsymbol{Y} = \boldsymbol{X}^T`.
:type data: np.ndarray
:param opthelper: Optimization helper to speed up computations
mainly for Jacobian. The entities are computed in `_compute_dmd_rho`.
:type opthelper: _OptimizeHelper
:return: Jacobian :math:`\boldsymbol{J} \in \mathbb{R}^{mn \times 2l}`.
:rtype: np.ndarray
_alphas = np.zeros((alphas.shape[-1] // 2,), dtype=np.complex128)
_alphas.real = alphas[: alphas.shape[-1] // 2]
_alphas.imag = alphas[alphas.shape[-1] // 2 :]
jac_out = np.zeros((2 * np.prod(data.shape), alphas.shape[-1]))
for j in range(_alphas.shape[-1]):
d_phi_j = time * opthelper.phi[:, j]
outer = np.outer(d_phi_j, opthelper.b_matrix[j])
a_j = outer - np.linalg.multi_dot(
[opthelper.u_svd, opthelper.u_svd.conj().T, outer]
g_j = np.linalg.multi_dot(
opthelper.u_svd * opthelper.s_inv[None],
opthelper.v_svd[j].conj(), d_phi_j.conj() @ opthelper.rho
# Compute the jacobian J_mat_j = - (A_j + G_j).
jac = -a_j - g_j
jac_flat = np.ravel(jac)
# construct the overall jacobian for optimized
# J_real = |Re{J} -Im{J}|
# |Im{J} Re{J}|
# construct real part for optimization
jac_out[: jac_out.shape[0] // 2, j] = jac_flat.real
jac_out[jac_out.shape[0] // 2 :, j] = jac_flat.imag
# construct imaginary part for optimization
jac_out[: jac_out.shape[0] // 2, _alphas.shape[-1] + j] = -jac_flat.imag
jac_out[jac_out.shape[0] // 2 :, _alphas.shape[-1] + j] = jac_flat.real
return jac_out
def _varpro_preprocessing(
data: np.ndarray,
time: np.ndarray,
rank: Union[float, int] = 0.0,
use_proj: bool = True,
) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray, np.ndarray, np.ndarray]:
Preprocess data for Variable Projection: Calculate
:math:`\boldsymbol{Y}, \boldsymbol{Z}` for trapezoidal derivative
approximation. If desired input data is projected to
low-dimensional space.
:param data: data matrix s.t. :math:`X \n C^{n \times m}`.
:type data: np.ndarray
:param time: 1d array of timestamps.
:type time: np.ndarray
:param optargs: Arguments for 'least_squares' optimizer.
:type optargs: Dict[str, Any]
:param rank: Desired rank. If rank :math:`r = 0`, the optimal rank is
determined automatically. If rank is a float s.t. :math:`0 < r < 1`,
the cumulative energy of the singular values is used
to determine the optimal rank. If rank is an integer
and :math:`r > 0`, the desired rank is used iff possible.
Defaults to 0.
:type rank: Union[float, int], optional
:param use_proj: Perform variable projection in
low dimensional space if `use_proj=True`, else in the original space.
Defaults to True.
:type use_proj: bool, optional
:return: Derivative :math:`\boldsymbol{Y},\boldsymbol{Z}`, (projected) data,
rank reduced projection matrix :math:`\boldsymbol{U}_r`.
:rtype: Tuple[np.ndarray,
u_r, s_r, v_r = compute_svd(data, rank)
data_out = v_r.conj().T * s_r[:, None] if use_proj else data
# trapezoidal derivative approximation
y_out = (data_out[:, :-1] + data_out[:, 1:]) / 2.0
dt_in = time[1:] - time[:-1]
z_out = (data_out[:, 1:] - data_out[:, :-1]) / dt_in[None]
return z_out, y_out, data_out, u_r
def _compute_dmd_varpro(
alphas_init: np.ndarray,
time: np.ndarray,
data: np.ndarray,
opthelper: _OptimizeHelper,
) -> OptimizeResult:
Compute Variable Projection (VarPro) for DMD using SciPy's
nonlinear least squares optimizer.
:type alphas_init: np.ndarray
:param time: 1d time array.
:type time: np.ndarray
:param data: data :math:`\boldsymbol{Y} \n C^{m \times n}`.
For DMD computation we set :math:`\boldsymbol{Y} = \boldsymbol{X}^T`.
:type data: np.ndarray
:param opthelper: Optimization helper to speed up computations
mainly for Jacobian. The entities are computed in `_compute_dmd_rho`
and are used in `_compute_dmd_jac`.
:type opthelper: _OptimizeHelper
:return: Optimization result.
:rtype: OptimizeResult
return least_squares(
args=[time, data, opthelper],
def select_best_samples_fast(data: np.ndarray, comp: float = 0.9) -> np.ndarray:
Select library samples using QR decomposition with column pivoting.
:param data: Data matrix :math:`\boldsymbol{X} \in \mathbb{C}^{n \times m}`.
:type data: np.ndarray
:param comp: Library compression :math:`c`, where :math:`0 < c < 1`.
The best fitting :math:`\lfloor \left(1 - c\right)m\rfloor` samples
are selected. Defaults to 0.9.
:type comp: float, optional
:raises ValueError: ValueError is raised if data matrix is not a
2d array.
:raises ValueError: ValueError is raised of compression is not in required
interval (:math:`0 < r < 1`).
:return: Indices of selected samples as 1d array.
:rtype: np.ndarray
if len(data.shape) != 2:
raise ValueError("Expected 2D array!")
if not 0 < comp < 1:
raise ValueError("Compression must be in (0, 1)]")
n_samples = int(data.shape[-1] * (1.0 - comp))
pcolumn = qr(data, mode="economic", pivoting=True)[-1]
return pcolumn[:n_samples]
def compute_varprodmd_any( # pylint: disable=unused-variable
data: np.ndarray,
time: np.ndarray,
optargs: Dict[str, Any],
rank: Union[float, int] = 0.0,
use_proj: bool = True,
compression: float = 0,
) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray, np.ndarray, np.ndarray, OptimizeResult]:
Compute DMD given arbitary timesteps.
:param data: data matrix s.t. :math:`X \n C^{n \times m}`.
:type data: np.ndarray
:param time: 1d array of timestamps.
:type time: np.ndarray
:param optargs: Arguments for 'least_squares' optimizer.
:type optargs: Dict[str, Any]
:param rank: Desired rank. If rank :math:`r = 0`, the optimal rank is
determined automatically. If rank is a float s.t. :math:`0 < r < 1`,
the cumulative energy of the singular values is used
to determine the optimal rank. If rank is an integer
and :math:`r > 0`, the desired rank is used iff possible.
Defaults to 0.
:type rank: Union[float, int], optional
:param use_proj: Perform variable projection in
low dimensional space if `use_proj=True`, else in the original space.
Defaults to True.
:type use_proj: bool, optional
:param compression: If libary compression :math:`c = 0`,
all samples are used. If :math:`0 < c < 1`, the best
fitting :math:`\lfloor \left(1 - c\right)m\rfloor` samples
are selected.
:type compression: float, optional
:raises ValueError: ValueError is raised if data matrix is not a
2d array.
:raises ValueError: ValueError is raised if time is not a
1d array.
:return: DMD modes :math:`\boldsymbol{\Phi}`, continuous DMD eigenvalues
:math: `\boldsymbol{\Omega}` as 1d array,
DMD eigenfunctions or amplitudes :math:`\boldsymbol{\varphi}`,
optimization results of SciPy's nonlinear least squares optimizer.
:rtype: Tuple[np.ndarray,
if len(data.shape) != 2:
raise ValueError("data needs to be 2D array")
if len(time.shape) != 1:
raise ValueError("time needs to be a 1D array")
# y_in, z_in, data_in, u_r
res = _varpro_preprocessing(data, time, rank, use_proj)
omegas = _compute_dmd_ev(res[0], res[1], res[-1].shape[-1])
if compression > 0:
indices = select_best_samples_fast(res[2], compression)
if indices.size <= 1:
indices = np.arange(res[2])
indices = np.arange(res[2].shape[-1])
if res[2].shape[-1] < omegas.shape[-1]:
" ".join(
"Attempting to solve underdetermined system.",
"Decrease desired rank or compression!",
opthelper = _OptimizeHelper(res[-1].shape[-1], *res[2].shape)
opt = _compute_dmd_varpro(
np.concatenate([omegas.real, omegas.imag]),
res[2][:, indices].T,
omegas.real = opt.x[: opt.x.shape[-1] // 2]
omegas.imag = opt.x[opt.x.shape[-1] // 2 :]
xi = res[-1] @ opthelper.b_matrix.T if use_proj else opthelper.b_matrix.T
eigenf = np.linalg.norm(xi, axis=0)
return xi / eigenf[None], omegas, eigenf, indices, opt
def varprodmd_predict(
phi: np.ndarray,
omegas: np.ndarray,
eigenf: np.ndarray,
time: np.ndarray,
) -> np.ndarray:
Perform DMD prediction using computed modes, continuous eigenvalues
and eigenfunctions/amplitudes.
:param phi: DMD modes
:math:`\boldsymbol{\Phi} \in \mathbb{C}^{n \times \left(m-1\right)}`.
:type phi: np.ndarray
:param omegas: Continuous diagonal matrix of eigenvalues
:math:`\boldsymbol{\Omega} \in
\mathbb{C}^{\left(m-1\right) \times \left(m-1\right)}`
as 1d array.
:type omegas: np.ndarray
:param eigenf: Eigenfunctions or amplitudes
:math:`\boldsymbol{\varphi} \in \mathbb{C}^{m - 1}`.
:type eigenf: np.ndarray
:param time: 1d array of timestamps.
:type time: np.ndarray
:return: Reconstructed/predicted state :math:`\hat{\boldsymbol{X}}`.
:rtype: np.ndarray
return phi @ (np.exp(np.outer(omegas, time)) * eigenf[:, None])
[docs]class VarProOperator(DMDOperator):
Variable Projection Operator for DMD.
def __init__(
svd_rank: Union[float, int],
exact: bool,
sorted_eigs: Union[bool, str],
compression: float,
optargs: Dict[str, Any],
VarProOperator constructor.
:param svd_rank: Desired SVD rank.
If rank :math:`r = 0`, the optimal rank is
determined automatically. If rank is a float s.t.
:math:`0 < r < 1`, the cumulative energy
of the singular values is used to determine
the optimal rank.
If rank is an integer and :math:`r > 0`,
the desired rank is used iff possible.
:type svd_rank: Union[float, int]
:param exact: Perform computations in original state space
if `exact=True`, else perform optimization
in projected (low dimensional) space.
:type exact: bool
:param sorted_eigs: Sort eigenvalues.
If `sorted_eigs=True`, the variance of the absolute values
of the complex eigenvalues
:math:`\sqrt{\omega_i \cdot \bar{\omega}_i}`,
the variance absolute values of the real parts
and the variance of the absolute values
of the imaginary parts :math:`\left|\Im\{{\omega_i}\}\right|`
is computed.
The eigenvalues are then sorted according
to the highest variance (from highest to lowest).
If `sorted_eigs=False`, no sorting is performed.
If the parameter is a string and set to sorted_eigs='auto',
the eigenvalues are sorted accoring to the variances
of previous mentioned quantities.
If `sorted_eigs='real'` the eigenvalues are sorted
w.r.t. the absolute values of the real parts
of the eigenvalues (from highest to lowest).
If `sorted_eigs='imag'` the eigenvalues are sorted
w.r.t. the absolute values of the imaginary parts
of the eigenvalues (from highest to lowest).
If `sorted_eigs='abs'` the eigenvalues are sorted
w.r.t. the magnitude of the eigenvalues
:math:`\left(\sqrt{\omega_i \cdot \bar{\omega}_i}\right)`
(from highest to lowest).
:type sorted_eigs: Union[bool, str]
:param compression: If libary compression :math:`c = 0`,
all samples are used. If :math:`0 < c < 1`, the best
fitting :math:`\lfloor \left(1 - c\right)m\rfloor` samples
are selected.
:type compression: float
:param optargs: Arguments for 'least_squares' optimizer.
Use `OPT_DEF_ARGS` as starting point.
:type optargs: Dict[str, Any]
super().__init__(svd_rank, exact, False, None, sorted_eigs, False)
self._sorted_eigs = sorted_eigs
self._svd_rank = svd_rank
self._exact = exact
self._optargs: Dict[str, Any] = optargs
self._compression: float = compression
self._modes: np.ndarray = None
self._eigenvalues: np.ndarray = None
[docs] def compute_operator(
self, X: np.ndarray, Y: np.ndarray
) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, OptimizeResult, np.ndarray]:
Perform Variable Projection for DMD using SciPy's
nonlinear least squares optimizer.
:param X: Measurement :math:`\boldsymbol{X} \in \mathbb{C}^{n \times m}`
:type X: np.ndarray
:param Y: 1d array of timestamps where individual
measurements :math:`\boldsymbol{x}_i \in \mathbb{C}^n`
where taken.
:type Y: np.ndarray
:raises ValueError: If `sorted_eigs` from constructor
was set to an invalid string.
:return: Eigenfunctions/amplitudes :math:`\boldsymbol{\varphi}^{m-1}`,
OptimizeResult from SciPy's optimizer
(optimal parameters and statistics),
indices of selected measurements. If no compression (:math:`c = 0`)
is used, all indices are returned, else the indices of the selected
samples are used.
:rtype: Tuple[np.ndarray, OptimizeResult, np.ndarray]
) = compute_varprodmd_any(
not self._exact,
# overwrite for lazy sorting
if isinstance(self._sorted_eigs, bool):
if self._sorted_eigs:
self._sorted_eigs = "auto"
if isinstance(self._sorted_eigs, str):
if self._sorted_eigs == "auto":
eigs_real = self._eigenvalues.real
eigs_imag = self._eigenvalues.imag
_eigs_abs = np.abs(self._eigenvalues)
var_real = np.var(eigs_real)
var_imag = np.var(eigs_imag)
var_abs = np.var(_eigs_abs)
array = np.array([var_real, var_imag, var_abs])
eigs_abs = (eigs_real, eigs_imag, _eigs_abs)[np.argmax(array)]
elif self._sorted_eigs == "real":
eigs_abs = np.abs(self._eigenvalues.real)
elif self._sorted_eigs == "imag":
eigs_abs = np.abs(self._eigenvalues.imag)
elif self._sorted_eigs == "abs":
eigs_abs = np.abs(self._eigenvalues)
raise ValueError(f"{self._sorted_eigs} not supported!")
idx = np.argsort(eigs_abs)[::-1] # sort from biggest to smallest
self._eigenvalues = self._eigenvalues[idx]
self._modes = self._modes[:, idx]
eigenf = eigenf[idx]
return eigenf, opt, indices
[docs]class VarProDMD(DMDBase):
Variable Projection for DMD using SciPy's
nonlinear least squares solver. The original problem
is reformulated s.t. complex residuals and Jacobians, which are used
by the Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm, are transormed to real numbers.
Further simplifications (outer products) avoids using sparse matrices.
def __init__( # pylint: disable=super-init-not-called
svd_rank: Union[float, int] = 0,
exact: bool = False,
sorted_eigs: Union[bool, str] = False,
compression: float = 0.0,
optargs: Dict[str, Any] = None,
VarProDMD constructor.
:param svd_rank: Desired SVD rank.
If rank :math:`r = 0`, the optimal rank is
determined automatically. If rank is a float s.t. :math:`0 < r < 1`,
the cumulative energy of the singular values is used
to determine the optimal rank.
If rank is an integer and :math:`r > 0`,
the desired rank is used iff possible. Defaults to 0.
:type svd_rank: Union[float, int], optional
:param exact: Perform variable projection in
low dimensional space if `exact=False`.
Else the optimization is performed
in the original space.
Defaults to False.
:type exact: bool, optional
:param sorted_eigs: Sort eigenvalues.
If `sorted_eigs=True`, the variance of the absolute values
of the complex eigenvalues
:math:`\left(\sqrt{\omega_i \cdot \bar{\omega}_i}\right)`,
the variance absolute values of the real parts
and the variance of the absolute values of the imaginary parts
:math:`\left|\Im\{{\omega_i}\}\right|` is computed.
The eigenvalues are then sorted according
to the highest variance (from highest to lowest).
If `sorted_eigs=False`, no sorting is performed.
If the parameter is a string and set to sorted_eigs='auto',
the eigenvalues are sorted accoring to the variances
of previous mentioned quantities.
If `sorted_eigs='real'` the eigenvalues are sorted
w.r.t. the absolute values of the real parts
of the eigenvalues (from highest to lowest).
If `sorted_eigs='imag'` the eigenvalues are sorted
w.r.t. the absolute values of the imaginary parts
of the eigenvalues (from highest to lowest).
If `sorted_eigs='abs'` the eigenvalues are sorted
w.r.t. the magnitude of the eigenvalues
:math:`\left(\sqrt{\omega_i \cdot \bar{\omega}_i}\right)`
(from highest to lowest).
Defaults to False.
:type sorted_eigs: Union[bool, str], optional
:param compression: If libary compression :math:`c = 0`,
all samples are used. If :math:`0 < c < 1`, the best
fitting :math:`\lfloor \left(1 - c\right)m\rfloor` samples
are selected.
:type compression: float, optional
:param optargs: Arguments for 'least_squares' optimizer.
If set to None, `OPT_DEF_ARGS` are used as default parameters.
Defaults to None.
:type optargs: Dict[str, Any], optional
# super constructor not called
# as most of the attributes are
# not used.
if optargs is None:
optargs = OPT_DEF_ARGS
self._Atilde = VarProOperator(
svd_rank, exact, sorted_eigs, compression, optargs
self._optres: OptimizeResult = None
self._snapshots_holder: Snapshots = None
self._indices: np.ndarray = None
self._modes_activation_bitmask_proxy = None
[docs] def fit(self, X: np.ndarray, time: np.ndarray) -> object:
Fit the eigenvalues, modes and eigenfunctions/amplitudes
to measurements.
:param X: Measurements
:math:`\boldsymbol{X} \in \mathbb{C}^{n \times m}`.
:type X: np.ndarray
:param time: 1d array of timestamps where measurements were taken.
:type time: np.ndarray
:return: VarProDMD instance.
:rtype: object
self._snapshots_holder = Snapshots(X)
(self._b, self._optres, self._indices) = self._Atilde.compute_operator(
self._snapshots_holder.snapshots.astype(np.complex128), time
self._original_time = time
self._dmd_time = time[self._indices]
return self
[docs] def forecast(self, time: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray:
Forecast measurements at given timestamps `time`.
:param time: Desired times for forcasting as 1d array.
:type time: np.ndarray
:raises ValueError: If method `fit(X, time)` was not called.
:return: Predicted measurements :math:`\hat{\boldsymbol{X}}`.
:rtype: np.ndarray
if not self.fitted:
raise ValueError("Nothing fitted yet. Call fit-method first!")
return varprodmd_predict(
self._Atilde.modes, self._Atilde.eigenvalues, self._b, time
def ssr(self) -> float:
Compute the square root of sum squared residual (SSR) taken from
The SSR gives insight w.r.t. signal qualities.
A low SSR is desired. If SSR is high the model may be inaccurate.
:raises ValueError: ValueError is raised if method
`fit(X, time)` was not called.
:return: SSR.
:rtype: float
if not self.fitted:
raise ValueError("Nothing fitted yet!")
rho_flat_real = self._optres.fun
rho_flat_imag = np.zeros(
(rho_flat_real.size // 2,), dtype=np.complex128
rho_flat_imag.real = rho_flat_real[: rho_flat_real.size // 2]
rho_flat_imag.imag = rho_flat_real[rho_flat_real.size // 2 :]
sigma = np.linalg.norm(rho_flat_imag)
denom = max(
- self._optres.jac.shape[0] // 2
- self._optres.jac.shape[1] // 2,
ssr = sigma / np.sqrt(float(denom))
return ssr
def selected_samples(self) -> np.ndarray:
Return indices for creating the library.
:raises ValueError: ValueError is raised if method
`fit(X, time)` was not called.
:return: Indices of the selected samples.
If no compression was performed :math:`\left(c = 0\right)`,
all indices are returned, else indices of the
library selection scheme using QR-Decomposition
with column pivoting.
:rtype: np.ndarray
if not self.fitted:
raise ValueError("Nothing fitted yet. Call fit-method first!")
return self._indices
def opt_stats(self) -> OptimizeResult:
Return optimization statistics of the Variable Projection
:raises ValueError: ValueError is raised if method `fit(X, time)`
was not called.
:return: Optimization results including optimal weights
(continuous eigenvalues) and number of iterations.
:rtype: OptimizeResult
if not self.fitted:
raise ValueError("Nothing fitted yet!")
return self._optres
def dynamics(self):
Get the time evolution of each mode.
:return: matrix that contains all the time evolution, stored by row.
:rtype: numpy.ndarray
t_omega = np.exp(np.outer(self.eigs, self._original_time))
return self.amplitudes[:, None] * t_omega
def frequency(self):
Get the amplitude spectrum.
:return: the array that contains the frequencies of the eigenvalues.
:rtype: numpy.ndarray
return self.eigs.imag / (2 * np.pi)
def growth_rate(self):
Get the growth rate values relative to the modes.
:return: the Floquet values
:rtype: numpy.ndarray
return self.eigs.real