Source code for pydmd.hankeldmd

Derived module from for hankel dmd.

- H. Arbabi, I. Mezic, Ergodic theory, dynamic mode decomposition, and
computation of spectral properties of the Koopman operator. SIAM Journal on
Applied Dynamical Systems, 2017, 16.4: 2096-2126.

from copy import copy
from numbers import Number

import numpy as np

from .dmd import DMD
from .dmdbase import DMDBase
from .preprocessing.hankel import hankel_preprocessing
from .snapshots import Snapshots

[docs]class HankelDMD(DMDBase): """ Hankel Dynamic Mode Decomposition :param svd_rank: the rank for the truncation; If 0, the method computes the optimal rank and uses it for truncation; if positive interger, the method uses the argument for the truncation; if float between 0 and 1, the rank is the number of the biggest singular values that are needed to reach the 'energy' specified by `svd_rank`; if -1, the method does not compute truncation. :type svd_rank: int or float :param int tlsq_rank: rank truncation computing Total Least Square. Default is 0, that means no truncation. :param bool exact: flag to compute either exact DMD or projected DMD. Default is False. :param opt: argument to control the computation of DMD modes amplitudes. See :class:`DMDBase`. Default is False. :type opt: bool or int :param rescale_mode: Scale Atilde as shown in 10.1016/j.jneumeth.2015.10.010 (section 2.4) before computing its eigendecomposition. None means no rescaling, 'auto' means automatic rescaling using singular values, otherwise the scaling factors. :type rescale_mode: {'auto'} or None or numpy.ndarray :param bool forward_backward: If True, the low-rank operator is computed like in fbDMD (reference: Default is False. :param int d: the new order for spatial dimension of the input snapshots. Default is 1. :param sorted_eigs: Sort eigenvalues (and modes/dynamics accordingly) by magnitude if `sorted_eigs='abs'`, by real part (and then by imaginary part to break ties) if `sorted_eigs='real'`. Default: False. :type sorted_eigs: {'real', 'abs'} or False :param reconstruction_method: Method used to reconstruct the snapshots of the dynamical system from the multiple versions available due to how HankelDMD is conceived. If `'first'` (default) the first version available is selected (i.e. the nearest to the 0-th row in the augmented matrix). If `'mean'` we compute the element-wise mean. If `reconstruction_method` is an array of float values we compute the weighted average (for each snapshots) using the given values as weights (the number of weights must be equal to `d`). :type reconstruction_method: {'first', 'mean'} or array-like """ def __init__( self, svd_rank=0, tlsq_rank=0, exact=False, opt=False, rescale_mode=None, forward_backward=False, d=1, sorted_eigs=False, reconstruction_method="first", tikhonov_regularization=None, ): super().__init__( svd_rank=svd_rank, tlsq_rank=tlsq_rank, exact=exact, opt=opt, rescale_mode=rescale_mode, sorted_eigs=sorted_eigs, ) self._d = d self._ho_snapshots = None if isinstance(reconstruction_method, list): if len(reconstruction_method) != d: raise ValueError( "The length of the array of weights must be equal to d" ) elif isinstance(reconstruction_method, np.ndarray): if ( reconstruction_method.ndim > 1 or reconstruction_method.shape[0] != d ): raise ValueError( "The length of the array of weights must be equal to d" ) self._reconstruction_method = reconstruction_method sub_dmd = DMD( svd_rank=svd_rank, tlsq_rank=tlsq_rank, exact=exact, opt=opt, rescale_mode=rescale_mode, forward_backward=forward_backward, sorted_eigs=sorted_eigs, tikhonov_regularization=tikhonov_regularization, ) self._sub_dmd = hankel_preprocessing( sub_dmd, d=d, reconstruction_method=reconstruction_method )
[docs] def _hankel_first_occurrence(self, time): r""" For a given `t` such that there is :math:`k \in \mathbb{N}` such that :math:`t = t_0 + k dt`, return the index of the first column in Hankel pseudo matrix (see also :func:`_pseudo_hankel_matrix`) which contains the snapshot corresponding to `t`. :param time: The time corresponding to the requested snapshot. :return: The index of the first appeareance of `time` in the columns of Hankel pseudo matrix. :rtype: int """ assert isinstance(time, Number) or np.asarray(time).ndim == 1 return max( 0, (time - self.original_time["t0"]) // self.dmd_time["dt"] - (self.original_time["t0"] + self._d - 1), )
[docs] def _update_sub_dmd_time(self): """ Update the time dictionaries (`dmd_time` and `original_time`) of the auxiliary DMD instance `HankelDMD._sub_dmd` after an update of the time dictionaries of the time dictionaries of this instance of the higher level instance of `HankelDMD`. """ self._sub_dmd.dmd_time["t0"] = self._hankel_first_occurrence( self.dmd_time["t0"] ) self._sub_dmd.dmd_time["tend"] = self._hankel_first_occurrence( self.dmd_time["tend"] )
@property def reconstructed_data(self): self._update_sub_dmd_time() # we want to return only the requested timesteps time_index = min( self._d - 1, int( (self.dmd_time["t0"] - self.original_time["t0"]) // self.dmd_time["dt"] ), ) return self._sub_dmd.reconstructed_data[ :, time_index : time_index + len(self.dmd_timesteps) ] @property def modes(self): return self._sub_dmd.modes @property def eigs(self): return self._sub_dmd.eigs @property def amplitudes(self): return self._sub_dmd.amplitudes @property def operator(self): return self._sub_dmd.operator @property def svd_rank(self): return self._sub_dmd.svd_rank @property def ho_snapshots(self): """ Get the time-delay data matrix. :return: the matrix that contains the time-delayed data. :rtype: numpy.ndarray """ return self._sub_dmd.snapshots @property def modes_activation_bitmask(self): return self._sub_dmd.modes_activation_bitmask @modes_activation_bitmask.setter def modes_activation_bitmask(self, value): self._sub_dmd.modes_activation_bitmask = value def __getitem__(self, key): # The implementation was asking for problems... raise ValueError("This operation is not allowed for HankelDMD")
[docs] def fit(self, X): """ Compute the Dynamic Modes Decomposition to the input data. :param X: the input snapshots. :type X: numpy.ndarray or iterable """ self._reset() self._snapshots_holder = Snapshots(X) n_samples = self.snapshots.shape[-1] if n_samples < self._d: msg = """The number of snapshots provided is not enough for d={}. Expected at least d.""" raise ValueError(msg.format(self._d)) # Default timesteps self._set_initial_time_dictionary( {"t0": 0, "tend": n_samples - 1, "dt": 1} ) return self