Derived module from dmdbase.py for Subspace DMD.
Takeishi, Naoya, Yoshinobu Kawahara, and Takehisa Yairi. "Subspace dynamic mode
decomposition for stochastic Koopman analysis." Physical Review E 96.3 (2017):
import numpy as np
from .dmdbase import DMDBase
from .dmdoperator import DMDOperator
from .snapshots import Snapshots
def reducedsvd(X, r=None):
Computes the reduced SVD of `X` taking only the first `r` modes.
:param np.ndarray X: Matrix to be used for SVD.
:param int r: Number of modes to be retained, if `None` the rank of `X` is
used instead.
:rtype: tuple
:return: Left singular vectors, singular values and right singular vectors.
U, s, V = np.linalg.svd(X, full_matrices=True)
if r is None:
r = np.linalg.matrix_rank(X)
return U[:, :r], s[:r], V.conj().T[:, :r]
class SubspaceDMDOperator(DMDOperator):
Subspace Dynamic Mode Decomposition operator class.
:param svd_rank: the rank for the truncation; if -1 all the columns of
:math:`U_q` are used, if `svd_rank` is an integer grater than zero
it is used as the number of columns retained from :math:`U_q`.
`svd_rank=0` or float values are not supported.
:type svd_rank: int
:param rescale_mode: Scale Atilde as shown in
10.1016/j.jneumeth.2015.10.010 (section 2.4) before computing its
eigendecomposition. None means no rescaling, 'auto' means automatic
rescaling using singular values, otherwise the scaling factors.
:type rescale_mode: {'auto'} or None or numpy.ndarray
:param sorted_eigs: Sort eigenvalues (and modes/dynamics accordingly) by
magnitude if `sorted_eigs='abs'`, by real part (and then by imaginary
part to break ties) if `sorted_eigs='real'`. Default: False.
:type sorted_eigs: {'real', 'abs'} or False
def __init__(self, svd_rank, rescale_mode, sorted_eigs):
self._Atilde = None
self._modes = None
self._Lambda = None
def compute_operator(self, Yp, Yf):
Compute the low-rank operator.
Computes also modes, eigenvalues and DMD amplitudes.
:param numpy.ndarray Yp: Matrix `Yp` as defined in the original paper.
:param numpy.ndarray Yp: Matrix `Yf` as defined in the original paper.
n = Yp.shape[0] // 2
_, _, Vp = reducedsvd(Yp)
O = Yf.dot(Vp).dot(Vp.T.conj())
Uq, _, _ = reducedsvd(O)
r = min(np.linalg.matrix_rank(O), n)
if self._svd_rank > 0:
r = min(r, self._svd_rank)
Uq1, Uq2 = Uq[:n, :r], Uq[n:, :r]
U, S, V = reducedsvd(Uq1)
self._Atilde = self._least_square_operator(U, S, V, Uq2)
M = Uq2.dot(V) * np.reciprocal(S)
def _compute_modes(self, M):
Private method that computes eigenvalues and eigenvectors of the
high-dimensional operator (stored in self.modes and self.Lambda).
:param numpy.ndarray M: Matrix `M` as defined in the original paper.
if self._rescale_mode is None:
W = self.eigenvectors
# compute W as shown in arXiv:1409.5496 (section 2.4)
factors_sqrt = np.diag(np.power(self._rescale_mode, 0.5))
W = factors_sqrt.dot(self.eigenvectors)
# compute the eigenvectors of the high-dimensional operator
high_dimensional_eigenvectors = M.dot(W) * np.reciprocal(
# eigenvalues are the same of lowrank
high_dimensional_eigenvalues = self.eigenvalues
self._modes = high_dimensional_eigenvectors
self._Lambda = high_dimensional_eigenvalues
[docs]class SubspaceDMD(DMDBase):
Subspace Dynamic Mode Decomposition
:param svd_rank: the rank for the truncation; if -1 all the columns of
:math:`U_q` are used, if `svd_rank` is an integer grater than zero
it is used as the number of columns retained from :math:`U_q`.
`svd_rank=0` or float values are not supported.
:type svd_rank: int
:param opt: argument to control the computation of DMD modes amplitudes.
See :class:`DMDBase`. Default is False.
:type opt: bool or int
:param rescale_mode: Scale Atilde as shown in
10.1016/j.jneumeth.2015.10.010 (section 2.4) before computing its
eigendecomposition. None means no rescaling, 'auto' means automatic
rescaling using singular values, otherwise the scaling factors.
:type rescale_mode: {'auto'} or None or numpy.ndarray
:param sorted_eigs: Sort eigenvalues (and modes/dynamics accordingly) by
magnitude if `sorted_eigs='abs'`, by real part (and then by imaginary
part to break ties) if `sorted_eigs='real'`. Default: False.
:type sorted_eigs: {'real', 'abs'} or False
def __init__(
self._tlsq_rank = 0
self._original_time = None
self._dmd_time = None
self._opt = opt
self._b = None
self._snapshots_holder = None
self._modes_activation_bitmask_proxy = None
self._Atilde = SubspaceDMDOperator(
[docs] def fit(self, X):
Compute the Subspace Dynamic Modes Decomposition to the input data.
:param X: the input snapshots.
:type X: numpy.ndarray or iterable
self._snapshots_holder = Snapshots(X)
n_samples = self.snapshots.shape[1]
Y0 = self.snapshots[:, :-3]
Y1 = self.snapshots[:, 1:-2]
Y2 = self.snapshots[:, 2:-1]
Y3 = self.snapshots[:, 3:]
Yp = np.vstack((Y0, Y1))
Yf = np.vstack((Y2, Y3))
self.operator.compute_operator(Yp, Yf)
# Default timesteps
{"t0": 0, "tend": n_samples - 1, "dt": 1}
self._b = self._compute_amplitudes()
return self