Source code for pydmd.fbdmd

"""Derived module from for forward/backward dmd."""

from .dmd import DMD

[docs]class FbDMD(DMD): """ Forward/backward DMD class. :param svd_rank: the rank for the truncation; If 0, the method computes the optimal rank and uses it for truncation; if positive interger, the method uses the argument for the truncation; if float between 0 and 1, the rank is the number of the biggest singular values that are needed to reach the 'energy' specified by `svd_rank`; if -1, the method does not compute truncation. :type svd_rank: int or float :param int tlsq_rank: rank truncation computing Total Least Square. Default is 0, that means no truncation. :param bool exact: flag to compute either exact DMD or projected DMD. Default is False. :param opt: argument to control the computation of DMD modes amplitudes. See :class:`DMDBase`. Default is False. :type opt: bool or int :param rescale_mode: Scale Atilde as shown in 10.1016/j.jneumeth.2015.10.010 (section 2.4) before computing its eigendecomposition. None means no rescaling, 'auto' means automatic rescaling using singular values, otherwise the scaling factors. :type rescale_mode: {'auto'} or None or numpy.ndarray :param sorted_eigs: Sort eigenvalues (and modes/dynamics accordingly) by magnitude if `sorted_eigs='abs'`, by real part (and then by imaginary part to break ties) if `sorted_eigs='real'`. Default: False. :type sorted_eigs: {'real', 'abs'} or False Reference: Dawson et al. """ def __init__( self, svd_rank=0, tlsq_rank=0, exact=False, opt=False, rescale_mode=None, sorted_eigs=False, ): super().__init__( svd_rank=svd_rank, tlsq_rank=tlsq_rank, exact=exact, opt=opt, rescale_mode=rescale_mode, forward_backward=True, sorted_eigs=sorted_eigs, )