Derived module from dmdbase.py for kernelized extended dmd.
- M. O. Williams, C. W. Rowley, and I. G. Kevrekidis,
A kernel-based method for data-driven koopman spectral analysis,
J. Comput. Dynam., 2 (2015), pp. 247-265
- M. O. Williams, I. G. Kevrekidis, and C. W. Rowley,
A data-driven approximation of the koopman operator: extending
dynamic mode decomposition, J. Nonlinear Sci., 25 (2015), pp. 1307-1346
import numpy as np
from sklearn.metrics.pairwise import pairwise_kernels
from .dmd import DMD
from .dmdoperator import DMDOperator
[docs]class EDMDOperator(DMDOperator):
DMD operator for kernelized extended DMD.
:param svd_rank: the rank for the truncation; If positive integer, the
method uses the argument for the truncation; if float between 0 and 1,
the rank is the number of the biggest singular values that are needed
to reach the 'energy' specified by `svd_rank`; if -1, the method does
not compute truncation.
:type svd_rank: int or float
:param kernel_metric: the kernel function to apply. Supported kernel
metrics include `"additive_chi2"`, `"chi2"`, `"linear"`, `"poly"`,
`"polynomial"`, `"rbf"`, `"laplacian"`, `"sigmoid"`, and `"cosine"`.
:type kernel_metric: str
:param kernel_params: additional parameters for the
`sklearn.metrics.pairwise_kernels` function, including
kernel-specific function parameters.
:type kernel_params: dict
def __init__(self, svd_rank, kernel_metric, kernel_params):
self._kernel_metric = kernel_metric
self._kernel_params = kernel_params
self._eigenvalues = None
self._Lambda = None
self._modes = None
self._svd_vals = None
self._eigenvectors = None
def svd_vals(self):
:return: the singular values of the extended feature matrix.
:rtype: numpy.ndarray
return self._svd_vals
def as_numpy_array(self):
EDMD does not explicitly compute the forward operator or its reduction.
Doing so poses risks of prohibitively-large computations...
raise ValueError("Atilde is not computed explicitly during EDMD.")
[docs] def compute_operator(self, X, Y):
Compute and store the kernelized EDMD diagnostics.
:param X: matrix containing the right-hand side snapshots by column.
:type X: numpy.ndarray
:param Y: matrix containing the left-hand side snapshots by column.
:type Y: numpy.ndarray
:return: the (truncated) left-singular vectors matrix of the extended
feature matrix, the (truncated) singular values matrix of the
extended feature matrix, and the eigenvectors of the tranformed
forward operator `K_hat`.
:rtype: numpy.ndarray, numpy.ndarray, numpy.ndarray
# Compute kernel matrices using given snapshots and kernel function.
G_hat = pairwise_kernels(
X.T, X.T, metric=self._kernel_metric, **self._kernel_params
A_hat = pairwise_kernels(
Y.T, X.T, metric=self._kernel_metric, **self._kernel_params
# Use the Gramian to obtain the singular vectors Q and singular
# values Sigma of the feature embedding matrix.
Q, Sigma = self._compute_feature_matrix_svd(G_hat)
# Construct the tranformed forward operator matrix K_hat.
K_hat = np.linalg.multi_dot(
[np.linalg.pinv(Sigma), Q.T, A_hat, Q, np.linalg.pinv(Sigma)]
# Obtain the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of K_hat.
# Note: The nonzero eigenvalues of K_hat are the DMD eigenvalues.
# DMD modes are derived via the left and right eigenvectors of K_hat.
eigenvalues, V_hat = np.linalg.eig(K_hat)
modes = np.linalg.multi_dot(
[X, Q, np.linalg.pinv(Sigma), np.linalg.inv(V_hat).T]
# Discard eigenvalue, mode pairs that correspond with zero eigenvalues.
nonzero_inds = np.abs(eigenvalues) > 1e-16
eigenvalues = eigenvalues[nonzero_inds]
modes = modes[:, nonzero_inds]
# Set the DMD eigenvalues and modes.
self._eigenvalues = eigenvalues
self._Lambda = eigenvalues
self._modes = modes
# Store Sigma and V_hat for eigenfunction computations.
self._svd_vals = np.diag(Sigma)
self._eigenvectors = V_hat
return Q, Sigma, V_hat
[docs] def _compute_feature_matrix_svd(self, Gramian):
Helper function that computes the eigendecomposition of the Gramian in
order to obtain the singular vectors Q and singular values Sigma of the
corresponding feature embedding matrix.
:param numpy.ndarray Gramian: the Gramian matrix.
:return: the (truncated) left-singular vectors matrix of the extended
feature matrix and the (truncated) singular values matrix of the
extended feature matrix.
:rtype: numpy.ndarray, numpy.ndarray
G_eigenvalues, G_eigenvectors = np.linalg.eig(Gramian)
# Note: The eigenvalues of the Gramian are the singular values of the
# feature embedding matrix, squared. Hence in theory, the eigenvalues
# should be real and non-negative, so we discard imaginary components
# and flip the sign of negative eigenvalues.
G_eigenvalues = G_eigenvalues.real
negative_inds = G_eigenvalues < 0
G_eigenvectors[:, negative_inds] *= -1
G_eigenvalues[negative_inds] *= -1
s_vals = np.sqrt(G_eigenvalues)
# Sort singular values in descending order and organize into truncated
# eigenvector (left-singular vector) and singular value matrices.
sorted_inds = np.argsort(-s_vals)
Q = G_eigenvectors[:, sorted_inds]
s_sorted = s_vals[sorted_inds]
r = self._compute_rank_from_svals(s_sorted)
Q = Q[:, :r]
Sigma = np.diag(s_sorted[:r])
return Q, Sigma
[docs] def _compute_rank_from_svals(self, s):
Rank computation for the truncated Singular Value Decomposition given
only singular values.
:param numpy.ndarray s: the singular values.
:return: the computed rank truncation.
:rtype: int
if 0 < self._svd_rank < 1:
cumulative_energy = np.cumsum(s**2 / (s**2).sum())
return np.searchsorted(cumulative_energy, self._svd_rank) + 1
elif self._svd_rank >= 1 and isinstance(self._svd_rank, int):
return min(self._svd_rank, len(s))
return len(s)
[docs]class EDMD(DMD):
Kernelized Extended DMD.
:param svd_rank: the rank for the truncation; If positive integer, the
method uses the argument for the truncation; if float between 0 and 1,
the rank is the number of the biggest singular values that are needed
to reach the 'energy' specified by `svd_rank`; if -1, the method does
not compute truncation.
:type svd_rank: int or float
:param int tlsq_rank: rank truncation computing Total Least Square. Default
is 0, meaning no truncation.
:param opt: If True, amplitudes are computed like in optimized DMD (see
:func:`~dmdbase.DMDBase._compute_amplitudes` for reference). If
False, amplitudes are computed following the standard algorithm. If
`opt` is an integer, it is used as the (temporal) index of the snapshot
used to compute DMD modes amplitudes (following the standard
The reconstruction will generally be better in time instants near the
chosen snapshot; however increasing `opt` may lead to wrong results
when the system presents small eigenvalues. For this reason a manual
selection of the number of eigenvalues considered for the analyisis may
be needed (check `svd_rank`). Also setting `svd_rank` to a value
between 0 and 1 may give better results. Default is False.
:type opt: bool or int
:param kernel_metric: the kernel function to apply. Supported kernel
metrics include `"additive_chi2"`, `"chi2"`, `"linear"`, `"poly"`,
`"polynomial"`, `"rbf"`, `"laplacian"`, `"sigmoid"`, and `"cosine"`.
:type kernel_metric: str
:param kernel_params: additional parameters for the
`sklearn.metrics.pairwise_kernels` function, including
kernel-specific function parameters.
:type kernel_params: dict
def __init__(
if svd_rank == 0:
raise ValueError("svd_rank = 0 functionality is not supported.")
if kernel_params is None:
kernel_params = {}
elif not isinstance(kernel_params, dict):
raise TypeError("kernel_params must be a dict.")
self._test_kernel_inputs(kernel_metric, kernel_params)
self._Atilde = EDMDOperator(svd_rank, kernel_metric, kernel_params)
self._kernel_metric = kernel_metric
self._kernel_params = kernel_params
self._svd_modes = None
[docs] def eigenfunctions(self, x):
:param x: array from the original snapshot domain denoting the point
at which to compute the EDMD eigenfunctions.
:type x: numpy.ndarray
:return: array containing all r EDMD eigenfunctions evaluated at the
given domain point, where r denotes the rank of the EDMD fit.
:rtype: numpy.ndarray
if self._svd_modes is None:
raise ValueError("You need to call fit before")
if not isinstance(x, np.ndarray) or np.ndim(x) != 1:
raise ValueError("Input x must be a 1-D numpy array.")
K_xx = pairwise_kernels(
return np.linalg.multi_dot(